The central government has also agreed to release the funds given to Punjab under Aam Aadmi Clinics, under which the names of more than half of the clinics will be changed. Funds are released for this scheme by the Center as well as Punjab.
The Punjab government will change the names of more than half of the Aam Aadmi Clinics and will also give credit to the Central Government. Health Minister Dr. Balbir Singh gave this information. Before addressing Punjab Vision 2047, the Health Minister said that he is in constant talks with the Center.
The central government has also agreed to release the funds given to Punjab under Aam Aadmi Clinics, under which the names of more than half of the clinics will be changed. Funds are released for this scheme by the Center as well as Punjab. He said that this will not have any effect on the Aam Aadmi Clinics running in the buildings of hospitals and health centers in Punjab. At present 842 Aam Aadmi Clinics are running in Punjab.
Need to change GST structure
Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema said that after the introduction of GST, the complexities related to tax have been removed, but this has reduced the revenue of Punjab. He said that GST is a consumer based tax, which has definitely benefited Uttar Pradesh, Bihar or other states where the population is high. He said that Punjab is an agriculture based state, so the current structure of GST is not suitable for it. There is a need to change it. He said that after the implementation of GST, Punjab is facing a loss of five to seven thousand crore rupees every year. Before the implementation of GST, purchase tax was levied, which benefited the state, but now this tax has been abolished.
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